1 Preface Chattering with an Imaginative Reader (I.R) on Erzurumology Hayali bir okuyucuyla ( I.R ile) Erzurumoşoji Sohbeti RI: Your investigation into the actions of the nun-divulged socialization of Dadashs makes a heartening report. We discover that since the 800s AD the people of Erzurum has invested billions of gold and silver coins to finance cultural activities basically in Artvin, Agrı, Baiburt, Bitlis, Bingol, Erzincan, Van, and Elaziz and that by means of the Dadash Spirit they are directly implicated in the socialization attacks attributed to the Erzurum's Moral Conservation. What will be the contribution of your work in ESAS? R.I: Keşfiniz, Dadaşların açığa vurulmamış bir sosyalize etme (Sosyolojik manada kendi toplumsal yapısına uydurma)faaliyetine neşter vurup, insanı ferahlatıyor. Anlıyoruz ki, Miladi 800 lü yıllardan beri Erzurum milyarlarca gümüş ve altın sikke harcayıp, sezdirmeksizin "Erzurum'un Ahlak Anlayışı" nı Artvin, Ağrı, Bayburt, Bitlis, Bingöl, Erzincan, Van ve Elaziz'e, hassaten, yaymak için aktif bir faaliyetin içerisinde yer alıp, etkisini derinleştirmiş. Dr. MES: It is the only work that establishes the tie between wars in the soils of Byzantium of the 800s AD and the cultural attacks of Khazar Turkish Empire around that era. All the large moral attacks along the Black Sea Coast, in Eastern Anatolia, even throughout the Caucasian region would never have taken place without the recruitment by the Dadash Morality and Erzurum's cultural clandestine services (if not secret) of those historically famous conservatism fanatics who have been blamed for the peerless socialization attacks. I bring a new light on the manipulations of the Erzurum's invisible social agencies. Other books than mine have noted the presence of West Uzbeks (Oguz begs) in Anatolia. But their authors couldn't have presented the Dadash culture-fighters in the region as enemies of the Byzantium. The information that I collected from multiple sources, demonstrate that these cultural fighters are moral swords in the hands of the Erzurum Morality and are not, as one pretends, enemies of any people. Dr.MES: Çalşmam, Bizans topraklarında (Türkler olarak) verdiğimiz savaşlarla ( o günkü- o devirdeki en güçlü Türk Devleti olan) Khazar İmparatorluğunun kültür yayma mücadelesi arasında bir bağ kurmakta. (devam edecek) |